One of the first things patients say to me in the clinic is, "My parents were stronger, healthier, lived longer", and then give me a quizzical look. And then I ask them, why they think that is and most reply. "Because they ate better". Our folks did eat better, they didn't have to go out to find better quality food. Food was better quality on its own, less sprays, less choice in colourful boxes, less takeaway and so on.

But there are other reasons. We didn't eat or drink out of plastic, most things came in glass. We cooked most of our food, if not all, from scratch - we knew everything that went into it. We didn't use the toxic canola oil, most Coles and Woolies bakeries, restaurants, takeaways use canola oil - it's cheap, tastes good. We didn't use microwaves. I refused to use a microwave back in the 80s. I wasn't a Naturopath then, I just used common sense, and my brain said nope that's radiation, no way. It's true most folks smoke less, however they compensate with poor quality food, and drink too much. We are a pretty heavy drinking country. You may find some surprising details if you watch documentaries on the affects of alcohol. We eat way too much meat, not enough veggies, and not enough fresh fruit.

Basically it's in our hands. We can't fight technology, in this day and age we need our phones and laptops (not microwaves though). But what we can do is turn it all off before bed, and keep all devices out of our bedrooms.

Go into nature more often and get fresh air, sea water, sun and ground ourselves. Grounding is what you see your pets do. They know how to stay healthy by rolling in the grass and soil, while staying in the sun, and they actually look like they're smiling when they do it.

Folks, your health is in your hands. You make the changes and live well, before your health starts to decline before its time. And teach your kids these precious things, and they will do the same.



I have 98 % success rate with both men and women. Why are we having trouble falling pregnant?

It's a sad fact that many men and women are suffering from fertility issues. More men than women. Studies show that 1-2 in every 6 couples will be infertile.

I was born in the late 50s and it was unheard of for couples to struggle having a baby. It was so, so rare. Back then, so were female hormonal issues and men had sperm like an ox.

I can't say it enough but we are what we are exposed to; ie phones, smart tvs, those terrible watches we wear, microwaves, as well as what we eat affects our fertility. Even though some may disagree, I can see the only changes in the last 50 or so years being diet and our exposure to radiation. Do you think Apple cares if you kill all your sperm by carrying your phone in your pocket?

What about the increase in testicular cancer? It's no coincidence we are living lives that are slowly killing us. We are dying as a human race and less and less children are being born. Studies show if we continue at this rate we will disappear in no time. All those apocalyptic movies and books come from men and women who can project thoughts about the future, they get ideas in dreams and write them down. Then we have a book which comes true within a decade. But this is no story, this is real, and scientists are increasingly very concerned.

Going back to fertility, sperm count, sperm mobility and how to have healthy sperm. How to reverse polycystic ovarian disease, fibroids, endometriosis and other hormonal issues that are affecting womb and egg health. I have had 98% success rate with getting couples to conceive. In the long run it's thousands of dollars cheaper than IVF, non-invasive, with no terrible hormonal mood swings. You will become the healthiest and happiest you’ve ever been, and most likely have a family too.


I have been seeing Tammy for my son with special needs. I feel Tammy doesn't push for products like other markets do, instead she pushes for a healthier lifestyle and diet which she assists with her experience and knowledge. I have seen a lot of improvement in my son and can't thank her enough.
- Nadia 2023

Tammy is amazing and a god send. I first came to Tammy with hormonal issues. I was diagnosed with PCOS after not having my period for months and came to Tammy for help to regulate my cycles with the hope of starting a family soon. I saw her regularly over 2 months for lympathic drainage massages and herbal tonics. And thanks to Tammy's help, my last menstrual cycle was 30 days and I was even able to fall pregnant (although it was a chemical in the end). I truly did not think my body would be able to ovulate normally, let alone fall pregnant at all. This, of course, is just a small snippet of what she has been able to help me with. I love our sessions together as it really feels like Tammy listens and cares about me as a person and is there to treat/help me holistically.
- Jane 2021

My name is Tammy Safi, I have been a fully qualified naturopath, pediatric naturopath, iridologist, accredited nutritionist, herbalist and remedial massage therapist for 20 plus years, working in the Western Sydney areas of Liverpool, Greenacre, Punchbowl and Strathfield. This is the place to come when you want to get well and regain your health and stamina. A place of healing and nurturing, by treating the cause of the dis-ease, shifting stagnation and opening energy channels. Together we can encourage the body to heal itself.

CONTACT - Please email me HERE if you need to contact me after hours.
m: 0418 245 449 - Please text using WhatsApp or use email

I am Private Health Fund registered, so you can claim a rebate from your fund for some consultations and remedial massage therapy. I provide hypnotherapy, lymphatic drainage massage, herbal remedies, nutrition advice, reiki, remedial massage, hair analysis and iridology.

Are you frustrated with taking conventional medicines and having to tolerate their side effects? For centuries herbalists around the world have used natural medicines to successfully cure everything from the simple cold to more complicated illnesses. Herbal Medicines are safe for people of all ages, work deep at the root of the cause(s) and often reverse long term illness by rebuilding your body's natural defense.

I am also the author of the internationally acclaimed "Healthy Teas". My passion is to restore health successfully to patients using natural herbal and nutritional remedies.

Experiencing Long Covid?

What to know if you have had Sars CoV2 and it has left long term implications. In other words, most likely left you with long Covid

First we need to understand how a virus behaves, before I go into side effects. All viruses especially this one, are very ingenious. That was the thing I kept saying time and time again to medicos and friends who were scared and concerned about catching the virus or getting the vaccine.

Viruses mutate, change, they never stay the same. That's why any viral vaccine will not, cannot, work. It mutates. It has continually mutated from the time it got released. It has had 38 variants in the last 3.3years. 38 variants. So if we thought we could get protected by an injection, we would have needed 38 different types up until now. We also know its most likely here to stay, and it will produce and reproduce new variants of itself.

The only way we can help ourselves is to boost our immunity. To wash our hands regularly. To take a good form of vitamin C, D and anything else our body maybe lacking. To fix all our teeth, because a virus can easily enter through the mouth. It sits in your nasal passages and mouth area for a few days before it starts causing havoc. The older you are of course, the harder it will hit you. The main thing we need to do is get plenty of sun and fresh air, indoor places are breeding areas. I'm thinking of gyms where people pump and breath all over each other. That's a no no.

Gargle or squirt with salt or cinnamon home made nasal spray, to protect you mucousal lining. As soon as you feel your a little off. It takes 2 days for it to take hold so you have a good chance of kicking it in the butt. Daily, eat plenty of raw vegetables and fruit to get vitamin C. I would actually take the vitamin C also. Studies have show how effective vitamin C is against viral infections.

If your slapping on sunscreen all the time, you will never get sufficient vitamin D. We need fresh air, nature and sun. We, here in Australia are very lucky to have it, so make use of it. IT'S FREE!!!!

Let get into long Covid and how debilitating it is. Some know it, some don't. Some doctors know it, and diagnose, it some don't. Others haven't got a clue. I've had a load of experience in it now. Since this went down people stopped trusting their doctors and specialists, and others in charge. They turned to us for help. And we have been helping thank goodness.

Studies have found some folks who have had Covid may have symptoms for up to 3 months or more. Since it's still going (ie virus is still here) they believe there are also long term implications, especially when organs are damaged, like the pancreas, liver and lungs.

  • Other issues are:
  • depression
  • mental health effects
  • diabetes
  • heart disease
  • mucousal lining damage, leading to changes or loss of taste/smell
  • lung issue
  • hormonal issues
  • liver
  • recurring bladder infections
  • fatigued similar to chronic fatigue symptoms
  • lack of energy and motivation
  • As you can see it can be a very nasty outcome

I think we were lucky in Australia it wasn't as bad as the more congested countries with less fresh air and sun. I also believe our mentality would have helped. The way it was handled was totally out of context and caused more damage. I won't go into all those deaths caused in hospital by inappropiate treatments given to the sick. I heard it daily from grieving patients.

Lets move forward now that after 3 years we have more information and are less gullible and smarter.

I have been going to Tammy for 6 months now and would highly recommend her. Tammy has helped me so much with my concerns, ranging from skin issues to hormonal and general health and wellbeing. Her remedies as well as lymphatic drainage massages make me wish I went to her even sooner. She is also great to talk to and extremely knowledgeable. Anytime I have a health concern she is my go to as her advice has been life changing and the supplements she gives are spot on. Can't thank you enough Tammy!!! - Sophia Nguyen (8 Jan 2022)

Vaccination Protection Pack

The Vaccination Pre/Pro Protection Vaccination Pack is made up of 4 different supplements plus a 200ml bottle of herbal medicine, that may protect you against adverse reactions of medications like vaccines. This is ideal for those who are feeling forced to take the vaccination and I've had patients asking me for months now to start making protection herbs for them.

This is my own formulation and protocol for vaccine/medication protection to minimise health consquences and adverse reactions. Omicron virus protection. Best taken 2 weeks prior and for 3 months after having the Pfizer or Astra Zeneca vaccines. You can book in and see me for a consult one on one, and can we make it specific for you, alternatively you can pick up the pack from 63 Noble Avenue, Greenacre NSW, or I can mail it to you.

It should last 6 weeks or more and is made up of practitioner only, highest quality supplements and herbal medicines.

Dear patients, friends and followers,
My work - My life - My passion

I give my patients 150 percent in the Clinic. When you come to see me, you are investing in the 28 years' practise and constant research of a very passionate person. I am also able to help you with your children as a Pediatric Naturopath. With a ton of knowledge about our food industry that only keeps growing, I make every effort to share that information with you. My goal is to educate you and hopefully get you to make positive lifestyle changes within your family and friends over time.

Disease is caused by imbalance. Both imbalance of mind and body. I've always believed it starts in the mind first as either a belief or attitude, a way of reacting to things around us (response technique). If we don't work through something we feel adverse to mentally, it eventually manifests as dis-ease. If it drags on too long it becomes a difficult dis-ease that can turn into a number of nasty conditions such as an auto-immune issue, severe allergies, cancer, ulcers, thyroid colitis, bowel disease, addictions and so on. The mind is extremely powerful and if left to stew it makes us rot from the inside out.

My job is to find out how you deal with situations, and give you the tools to strengthen your thought process through spiritual exercise, using Bach flower drops, counselling etc, or I may even refer you to another practitioner.

Another very important aspect is my patients trust me. When you come to see me it is because you are already convinced I can help you (I am not here to defend myself or try and convince you I am good at what I do). You do your research and choose to come to me because I can help. Then we develop a relationship that lasts a lifetime, I never forget you nor your history. I have files from the beginning in the early and I have patients returning to me after 15-20 years. Why? Because they trust me and know I can help guide them and restore their health once more.

Hopefully when you decide to see me the first time or come back after many years, our relationship is based on trust and healing. That is my goal and how you will find energy, stamina, and good health once more.

The supplements and herbs are dispensed here are the best quality I can find, and are Practitioner only. Buying an over the counter Chemist Warehouse product will not help you. Don't expect to heal from inferior supplements. My work is based on true genuine care, trust and motivation for a better you in the future.


Lymphatic Drainage Massage

LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE: It’s really important for your health that no further damage is done to your lymphatics when you get a massage done, and to know and understand exactly how it works. Many unqualified massage therapists are claiming they practice lymphatic drainage, when they do not. It is vital post liposuction, medical procedure or genetic lymphodema to not cause more damage to your lymphatics by having the correct massage technique performed from the beginning.

This is the detailed description of Lymphatic Massage Drainage also know as MLD:- It is a gentle procedure ~ involves no pain ~ oils are not used ~ non invasive ~ very relaxing and helps with constipation

I encourage 1-2 drainages/week, & this helps the body to develop new lymphatic channels under the surface of the skin to drain the fluid. That is how the excess fluid escapes back into the blood which eventually is excreted, mainly by urination. If you have excess fluid in your body you will spend the next 48-72 hrs excreting plenty of urine, lose weight & feel generally very well and energetic.

Lymphatic drainage stimulates the lymphatic system to drain and expel toxins, bacteria and waste products from the body and is useful for people who have a sedentary/indulgent lifestyle, those who have had surgery, experienced trauma, or been exposed to chemicals. Lymphatic drainage massage removes cellulite and fluid retention. It is a form of gentle yet affective bodywork.

Patients who suffer with fluid retention (oedema), swollen arms and/or legs, cellulite and insomnia find great relief from their symptoms with lymphatic drainage treatments. It is also effective for insomnia, constipation, polycystic ovarian disease, hormonal imbalances, nervous tension, chronic fatigue syndrome, poor circulation, and sinus congestion plus an effective way to detox quickly.

The lymphatic system is part of the circulatory system, made up of nodes and lymphatic fluid and it works most effectively if we are exercising on a regular basis and have chemical free bodies. The massage is light and wave-like, assisting the flow of the lymphatic fluid back into the blood system. This non-invasive technique works well for limb and joint pain such as arthritis.

The upper and lower abdomen is made up of an extensive network of lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes. Hence many hormonal conditions such as polycystic ovarian disease and premenstrual syndrome can be balanced with lymphatic drainage massage.

The inability to fall asleep or to stay asleep can be due to an overactive parasympathetic system, triggered by disturbing thoughts or nutritional imbalance. Either way a lymphatic massage once or twice a week will trigger the body's parasympathetic system back to work. This will automatically calm the body allowing sleep to occur when it is time.

I was just checking on a young patient who had breast implants that went terribly wrong and she'd been sick for some time. Implants were removed but she wasn't getting better, so she came in. She had both sessions of lymphatic drainage massage plus saw me naturopathically - and responded well.

"Hi Tammy - Thank you for messaging, I have been going very well since seeing you and getting your help. I've had so many improvements with my health since seeing you. My skin is better, eyes brighter, gut is healthy, I can exercise as much as I want without feeling unwell, and periods normal.

The most important thing I did was the EFT tapping and affirmations that you suggested because it helped rid me of a lot of stress and beliefs about myself which I believe were contributing to me being unwell. Lots of releasing of past traumas etc just from affirming.

I made changes to my diet including more whole foods and very minimal processed carbs. I eat lots of protein especially in the mornings. Main carb sources are from veges so not much pasta, rice, bread at all. Also make sure that I exercise every day and that I enjoy the exercise I do."

From someone who suffers from really painful period pain to the point of not getting out of bed. I had two lymphatic drainage massages done by Tammy and by the second massage I had no pain at all! The gentle massage not only helped my pain but bloating, water retention and overall feeling better. I would highly recommend a lymphatic drainage massage from Tammy. Thank you Tammy!
- Taylor Leonard, 2019

You are here for a reason, please feel free to browse the website. I am situated in Greenacre, near Bankstown, Roselands, Punchbowl, Beverly Hills, Yagoona, Chester Hill, Lidcombe, Strathfield, Burwood and Liverpool in Western Sydney.


Greenacre Natural Therapies is located in Western Sydney. Easy access from Greenacre, Roselands, Punchbowl, Beverly Hills, Yagoona, Chester Hill, Lidcombe, Strathfield and Burwood and Liverpool.

To learn more please feel free to contact me.

Watch the video below for more information on how I can help you.

One of the first things patients say to me in the clinic is, "My parents were stronger, healthier, lived longer", and then give me a quizzical look. And then I ask them, why they think that is and most reply. "Because they ate better". Our folks did eat better, they didn't have to go out to find better quality food. Food was better quality on its own, less sprays, less choice in colourful boxes, less takeaway and so on.

But there are other reasons. We didn't eat or drink out of plastic, most things came in glass. We cooked most of our food, if not all, from scratch - we knew everything that went into it. We didn't use the toxic canola oil, most Coles and Woolies bakeries, restaurants, takeaways use canola oil - it's cheap, tastes good. We didn't use microwaves. I refused to use a microwave back in the 80s. I wasn't an Integrated Naturopath then, I just used common sense, and my brain said nope that's radiation, no way. It's true most folks smoke less, however they compensate with poor quality food, and drink too much. We are a pretty heavy drinking country. You may find some surprising details if you watch documentaries on the affects of alcohol. We eat way too much meat, not enough veggies, and not enough fresh fruit.

Basically it's in our hands. We can't fight technology, in this day and age we need our phones and laptops (not microwaves though). But what we can do is turn it all off before bed, and keep all devices out of our bedrooms.

Go into nature more often and get fresh air, sea water, sun and ground ourselves. Grounding is what you see your pets do. They know how to stay healthy by rolling in the grass and soil, while staying in the sun, and they actually look like they're smiling when they do it.

Folks, your health is in your hands. You make the changes and live well, before your health starts to decline before its time. And teach your kids these precious things, and they will do the same.



I have a 98% success rate with both men and women. Why are we having trouble falling pregnant?

It's a sad fact that many men and women are suffering from fertility issues. More men than women. Studies show that 1-2 in every 6 couples will be infertile.

I was born in the late 50s and it was unheard of for couples to struggle having a baby. It was so, so rare. Back then, so were female hormonal issues and men had sperm like an ox.

I can't say it enough but we are what we are exposed to; ie phones, smart tvs, those terrible watches we wear, microwaves, as well as what we eat affects our fertility. Even though some may disagree, I can see the only changes in the last 50 or so years being diet and our exposure to radiation. Do you think Apple cares if you kill all your sperm by carrying your phone in your pocket?

What about the increase in testicular cancer? It's no coincidence we are living lives that are slowly killing us. We are dying as a human race and less and less children are being born. Studies show if we continue at this rate we will disappear in no time. All those apocalyptic movies and books come from men and women who can project thoughts about the future, they get ideas in dreams and write them down. Then we have a book which comes true within a decade. But this is no story, this is real, and scientists are increasingly very concerned.

Going back to fertility, sperm count, sperm mobility and how to have healthy sperm. How to reverse polycystic ovarian disease, fibroids, endometriosis and other hormonal issues that are affecting womb and egg health. I have had 98% success rate with getting couples to conceive. In the long run it's thousands of dollars cheaper than IVF, non-invasive, with no terrible hormonal mood swings. You will become the healthiest and happiest you've ever been, and most likely have a family too.


I have been seeing Tammy for my son with special needs. I feel Tammy doesn't push for products like other markets do, instead she pushes for a healthier lifestyle and diet which she assists with her experience and knowledge. I have seen a lot of improvement in my son and can't thank her enough.
- Nadia 2023

Tammy is amazing and a god send. I first came to Tammy with hormonal issues. I was diagnosed with PCOS after not having my period for months and came to Tammy for help to regulate my cycles with the hope of starting a family soon. I saw her regularly over 2 months for lympathic drainage massages and herbal tonics. And thanks to Tammy's help, my last menstrual cycle was 30 days and I was even able to fall pregnant (although it was a chemical in the end). I truly did not think my body would be able to ovulate normally, let alone fall pregnant at all. This, of course, is just a small snippet of what she has been able to help me with. I love our sessions together as it really feels like Tammy listens and cares about me as a person and is there to treat/help me holistically.
- Jane 2021

Experiencing Long Covid?

What to know if you have had Sars CoV2 and it has left long term implications. In other words, most likely left you with long Covid

First we need to understand how a virus behaves, before I go into side effects. All viruses especially this one, are very ingenious. That was the thing I kept saying time and time again to medicos and friends who were scared and concerned about catching the virus or getting the vaccine.

Viruses mutate, change, they never stay the same. That's why any viral vaccine will not, cannot, work. It mutates. It has continually mutated from the time it got released. It has had 38 variants in the last 3.3years. 38 variants. So if we thought we could get protected by an injection, we would have needed 38 different types up until now. We also know its most likely here to stay, and it will produce and reproduce new variants of itself.

The only way we can help ourselves is to boost our immunity. To wash our hands regularly. To take a good form of vitamin C, D and anything else our body maybe lacking. To fix all our teeth, because a virus can easily enter through the mouth. It sits in your nasal passages and mouth area for a few days before it starts causing havoc. The older you are of course, the harder it will hit you. The main thing we need to do is get plenty of sun and fresh air, indoor places are breeding areas. I'm thinking of gyms where people pump and breath all over each other. That's a no no.

Gargle or squirt with salt or cinnamon home made nasal spray, to protect you mucousal lining. As soon as you feel your a little off. It takes 2 days for it to take hold so you have a good chance of kicking it in the butt. Daily, eat plenty of raw vegetables and fruit to get vitamin C. I would actually take the vitamin C also. Studies have show how effective vitamin C is against viral infections.

If your slapping on sunscreen all the time, you will never get sufficient vitamin D. We need fresh air, nature and sun. We, here in Australia are very lucky to have it, so make use of it. IT'S FREE!!!!

Let get into long Covid and how debilitating it is. Some know it, some don't. Some doctors know it, and diagnose, it some don't. Others haven't got a clue. I've had a load of experience in it now. Since this went down people stopped trusting their doctors and specialists, and others in charge. They turned to us for help. And we have been helping thank goodness.

Studies have found some folks who have had Covid may have symptoms for up to 3 months or more. Since it's still going (ie virus is still here) they believe there are also long term implications, especially when organs are damaged, like the pancreas, liver and lungs.

  • Other issues are:
  • depression
  • mental health effects
  • diabetes
  • heart disease
  • mucousal lining damage, leading to changes or loss of taste/smell
  • lung issue
  • hormonal issues
  • liver
  • recurring bladder infections
  • fatigued similar to chronic fatigue symptoms
  • lack of energy and motivation
  • As you can see it can be a very nasty outcome

I think we were lucky in Australia it wasn't as bad as the more congested countries with less fresh air and sun. I also believe our mentality would have helped. The way it was handled was totally out of context and caused more damage. I won't go into all those deaths caused in hospital by inappropiate treatments given to the sick. I heard it daily from grieving patients.

Lets move forward now that after 3 years we have more information and are less gullible and smarter.

I have been going to Tammy for 6 months now and would highly recommend her. Tammy has helped me so much with my concerns, ranging from skin issues to hormonal and general health and wellbeing. Her remedies as well as lymphatic drainage massages make me wish I went to her even sooner. She is also great to talk to and extremely knowledgeable. Anytime I have a health concern she is my go to as her advice has been life changing and the supplements she gives are spot on. Can't thank you enough Tammy!!! - Sophia Nguyen (8 Jan 2022)

Vaccination Pre/Pro Protection Pack

The Vaccination Pre/Pro Protection Vaccination Pack is made up of 4 different supplements plus a 200ml bottle of herbal medicine, that may protect you against adverse reactions of medications like vaccines. This is ideal for those who are feeling forced to take the vaccination and I've had patients asking me for months now to start making protection herbs for them.

This is my own formulation and protocol for vaccine/medication protection to minimise health consquences and adverse reactions. Omicron virus protection. Best taken 2 weeks prior and for 3 months after having the Pfizer or Astra Zeneca vaccines. You can book in and see me for a consult one on one, and can we make it specific for you, alternatively you can pick up the pack from 63 Noble Avenue, Greenacre NSW, or I can mail it to you.

It should last 6 weeks or more and is made up of practitioner only, highest quality supplements and herbal medicines.

Dear patients, friends and followers,
My work - My life - My passion

I give my patients 150 percent in the Clinic. When you come to see me, you are investing in the 28 years' practise and constant research of a very passionate person. I am also able to help you with your children as a Pediatric Naturopath. With a ton of knowledge about our food industry that only keeps growing, I make every effort to share that information with you. My goal is to educate you and hopefully get you to make positive lifestyle changes within your family and friends over time.

Disease is caused by imbalance. Both imbalance of mind and body. I've always believed it starts in the mind first as either a belief or attitude, a way of reacting to things around us (response technique). If we don't work through something we feel adverse to mentally, it eventually manifests as dis-ease. If it drags on too long it becomes a difficult dis-ease that can turn into a number of nasty conditions such as an auto-immune issue, severe allergies, cancer, ulcers, thyroid colitis, bowel disease, addictions and so on. The mind is extremely powerful and if left to stew it makes us rot from the inside out.

My job is to find out how you deal with situations, and give you the tools to strengthen your thought process through spiritual exercise, using Bach flower drops, counselling etc, or I may even refer you to another practitioner.

Another very important aspect is my patients trust me. When you come to see me it is because you are already convinced I can help you (I am not here to defend myself or try and convince you I am good at what I do). You do your research and choose to come to me because I can help. Then we develop a relationship that lasts a lifetime, I never forget you nor your history. I have files from the beginning in the early and I have patients returning to me after 15-20 years. Why? Because they trust me and know I can help guide them and restore their health once more.

Hopefully when you decide to see me the first time or come back after many years, our relationship is based on trust and healing. That is my goal and how you will find energy, stamina, and good health once more.

The supplements and herbs are dispensed here are the best quality I can find, and are Practitioner only. Buying an over the counter Chemist Warehouse product will not help you. Don't expect to heal from inferior supplements. My work is based on true genuine care, trust and motivation for a better you in the future.


My name is Tammy Safi, I have been a fully qualified integrated naturopath, pediatric naturopath, iridologist, accredited nutritionist, herbalist and remedial massage therapist for 20 plus years, working in the Western Sydney areas of Liverpool, Greenacre, Punchbowl and Strathfield. This is the place to come when you want to get well and regain your health and stamina. A place of healing and nurturing, by treating the cause of the dis-ease, shifting stagnation and opening energy channels. Together we can encourage the body to heal itself.

CONTACT - Please email me HERE if you need to contact me after hours.
m: 0418 245 449 - Please text using WhatsApp or use email

I am Private Health Fund registered, so you can claim a rebate from your fund for some consultations and remedial massage therapy. I provide hypnotherapy, lymphatic drainage massage, herbal remedies, nutrition advice, reiki, remedial massage, hair analysis and iridology.

Are you frustrated with taking conventional medicines and having to tolerate their side effects? For centuries herbalists around the world have used natural medicines to successfully cure everything from the simple cold to more complicated illnesses. Herbal Medicines are safe for people of all ages, work deep at the root of the cause(s) and often reverse long term illness by rebuilding your body's natural defense.

I am also the author of the internationally acclaimed "Healthy Teas". My passion is to restore health successfully to patients using natural herbal and nutritional remedies.

Lymphatic Drainage Massage

LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE: It’s really important for your health that no further damage is done to your lymphatics when you get a massage done, and to know and understand exactly how it works. Many unqualified massage therapists are claiming they practice lymphatic drainage, when they do not. It is vital post liposuction, medical procedure or genetic lymphodema to not cause more damage to your lymphatics by having the correct massage technique performed from the beginning.

This is the detailed description of Lymphatic Massage Drainage also know as MLD:- It is a gentle procedure ~ involves no pain ~ oils are not used ~ non invasive ~ very relaxing and helps with constipation

I encourage 1-2 drainages/week, & this helps the body to develop new lymphatic channels under the surface of the skin to drain the fluid. That is how the excess fluid escapes back into the blood which eventually is excreted, mainly by urination. If you have excess fluid in your body you will spend the next 48-72 hrs excreting plenty of urine, lose weight & feel generally very well and energetic.

Lymphatic drainage stimulates the lymphatic system to drain and expel toxins, bacteria and waste products from the body and is useful for people who have a sedentary/indulgent lifestyle, those who have had surgery, experienced trauma, or been exposed to chemicals. Lymphatic drainage massage removes cellulite and fluid retention. It is a form of gentle yet affective bodywork.

Patients who suffer with fluid retention (oedema), swollen arms and/or legs, cellulite and insomnia find great relief from their symptoms with lymphatic drainage treatments. It is also effective for insomnia, constipation, polycystic ovarian disease, hormonal imbalances, nervous tension, chronic fatigue syndrome, poor circulation, and sinus congestion plus an effective way to detox quickly.

I was just checking on a young patient who had breast implants that went terribly wrong and she'd been sick for some time. Implants were removed but she wasn't getting better, so she came in. She had both sessions of lymphatic drainage massage plus saw me naturopathically - and responded well.

"Hi Tammy - Thank you for messaging, I have been going very well since seeing you and getting your help. I've had so many improvements with my health since seeing you. My skin is better, eyes brighter, gut is healthy, I can exercise as much as I want without feeling unwell, and periods normal.

The most important thing I did was the EFT tapping and affirmations that you suggested because it helped rid me of a lot of stress and beliefs about myself which I believe were contributing to me being unwell. Lots of releasing of past traumas etc just from affirming.

I made changes to my diet including more whole foods and very minimal processed carbs. I eat lots of protein especially in the mornings. Main carb sources are from veges so not much pasta, rice, bread at all. Also make sure that I exercise every day and that I enjoy the exercise I do."

The lymphatic system is part of the circulatory system, made up of nodes and lymphatic fluid and it works most effectively if we are exercising on a regular basis and have chemical free bodies. The massage is light and wave-like, assisting the flow of the lymphatic fluid back into the blood system. This non-invasive technique works well for limb and joint pain such as arthritis.

The upper and lower abdomen is made up of an extensive network of lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes. Hence many hormonal conditions such as polycystic ovarian disease and premenstrual syndrome can be balanced with lymphatic drainage massage.

The inability to fall asleep or to stay asleep can be due to an overactive parasympathetic system, triggered by disturbing thoughts or nutritional imbalance. Either way a lymphatic massage once or twice a week will trigger the body's parasympathetic system back to work. This will automatically calm the body allowing sleep to occur when it is time.

From someone who suffers from really painful period pain to the point of not getting out of bed. I had two lymphatic drainage massages done by Tammy and by the second massage I had no pain at all! The gentle massage not only helped my pain but bloating, water retention and overall feeling better. I would highly recommend a lymphatic drainage massage from Tammy. Thank you Tammy!
- Taylor Leonard, 2019

You are here for a reason, please feel free to browse the website. I am situated in Greenacre, near Bankstown, Roselands, Punchbowl, Beverly Hills, Yagoona, Chester Hill, Lidcombe, Strathfield, Burwood and Liverpool in Western Sydney.


Greenacre Natural Therapies is located in Western Sydney. Easy access from Greenacre, Roselands, Punchbowl, Beverly Hills, Yagoona, Chester Hill, Lidcombe, Strathfield and Burwood and Liverpool.

To learn more please feel free to contact me.

Watch the video below for more information on how I can help you.

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