Black Mould

We cant ignore mould in our homes. It can lead to long term health problems and it's best to address it asap.

I have printouts I hand to my patients when they come in for certain common health issues. When it comes to sinus, hay fever, allergies, asthma and recurrent upper respiratory infections in both children and adults, the first thing I ask is - IS HOME MOULD FREE? I have seen folks who have constant runny noses, phlegm and throat clearing. This is NOT normal, it's very taxing on the body.

Why does the body react this way to mould? The tiny invisible little spores that float around in your home irritate your nasal/throat passages causing a reaction. The body automatically knows it needs to get rid of it, so it swells up and becomes inflamed and reactive. This can cause headaches as well as migraines. A whole reoccurring scenario of reactions can occur. For the person who is suffering they could also start sneezing. The body is trying to sneeze it out. Coughing and so on.

Most people are aware of the dangers of BLACK MOULD if not here is a run down.
What Are the Effects of Black Mould Exposure?
You can get a series of health problems and allergic reactions due to black mold exposure. However, black mould exposure symptoms vary depending on the number of spores inhaled and the duration of the exposure. Common symptoms are headaches, chronic fatigue, eye infections, fever, irritation to the mucous membranes of the nose, throat and mouth, rashes, sneezing, and persistent coughing. More severe symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, and bleeding in the nose and lungs may occur in case of high exposure or an allergic reaction. Blurry vision, red eyes, eye damage, burning sensation in the eyes, yellowing of the eyes, light sensitivity, vision problems, mental health sensitivity.

So please do all you can to make sure there is absolutely no mould in your homes


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